wow, that was really nice seeing everyone's part, but mine was pretty disappointing. It shows how big the world really is. Yes, Savai, you did the best, and everyone else did well too. Good job guys; I'll get better also.
wow, that was really nice seeing everyone's part, but mine was pretty disappointing. It shows how big the world really is. Yes, Savai, you did the best, and everyone else did well too. Good job guys; I'll get better also.
opc, I loved your part ^_^ I really did, I liked the style you used, I 'might' end up using it on one of my future animations ;)
Good work, and I'm glad you were on the team. The second collab is getting started on NGC too, I hope you join ^_^
Thank you for the review!
My friend liked it more than I did. 5/5!
roffle super beast
Super beast! No, not the zantaboan, YOU. Hmm, there were less accents in this; that should get some people to stop complaining. Personally I liked them; it gave your animations a unique touch.
Some people may say vultures or marines can't kill lings with one shot or something, or other stupid inaccuracies, but like I've said before, they just don't fucking matter. And they haven't played SC, because micro = vults > lings. Haha, technical stuff aside... Yamato cannon should take longer to charge? Things bigger than an ultralisk can't burrow...? But no matter.; honestly you're really really awesome.
The mouth animations were really nice, esp the ghost. Umm... hmm maybe it's just on my computer, but the sounds glitched every change of scene. Like, they repeated the first syllable. But it was cool dude.
Voted 5. Oh yeah, we're having a Naruto collab come out in a few days. Think you could reciprocate? ;D
Keep up the beastly work dude!
Less accent? Weird, I was just trying my best as I have done the whole time heh - I'm getting better at it as I go.
About 'inaccuracies' - Yea, I was watching an episode of the Simpsons the other day, when Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger were hiding out and the public found them, and the last kinda 'oh no' for them was the comic book guy going 'alec, alec - I've compiled a list of all the inaccuracies in your last film and I think you'd like to discuss them one by one!' and I actually got what they meant, heh. I'm just not replying to some of them anymore because... well, god.
I explain the syncing thing in my author comments - I won't let that happen in the next one.
I don't know what you mean by reciprocate either heh, let me know via PM what you want lol.
oh... my god...
How long did it take you to make that?!? OMG!!! Dude you have to teach me to animate! Please please please?
why did you submit this? it's a friggin' school project you said... it was boring. i have no idea about the animation skills of the individuals from this animation. arg...
Um..It was just me.
I really don't think your animation skills started to fade. Have more self-confidence; you're not getting old yet. Start sometime anew.
Or, y'know, if you really don't feel like it, do you still have the ideas of what you were going to do?
Thanks for the comment, yeah i still have the ideas written down and i'll keep them safe :)
Too short
If longer, I would have given 10. Very nice animation though!
Full marks...
That was pretty nifty; I voted 10 like I did on the last one. :D
It obviously wasn't perfect, but it was the best Starcraft thing I've seen, aside from the in-game cinematics (lol). The only things I think you might need help with are the drawing of faces. And the ghost doesn't sound... well, mysterious enough.
If you want any help or advice on how to draw SC units, email me or go to they have really good fanart.
Anyway, can't wait for the next one. After the 3rd installment do you plan on making more?
While it's not really that obvious from this episode, there is a big story arc and I may do the whole lot provided Blizzard doesn't get annoyed with me.. although this really is just non-profit fanart of a different medium, surely. I'm meaning to put my butt into gear with the drawing of people - I CAN do it properly on paper, it's the transfer to the computer that's difficult and I usually settle for less after trying to draw one line 10 times and never getting it right. Thanks for your review!
Joined on 3/22/06